sunday 16th february
8am Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist
6.30pm Said Evensong
This Week
Palm Crosses for Ash. Please could we have last year’s Palm Crosses back to be turned into ash for Ash Wednesday. The deadline is Sunday 2nd March.
The reading and serving rota for March 2nd to April 6th has been emailed out and there are printed copies at the back of church. Many thanks again to everyone who has volunteered.
Giving to Christ Church – if you already give to Christ Church – thank you! For more information about giving, read the article on page 17 of the February/March edition of The Spire. If you give regularly, or you are planning to start giving regularly, please can we encourage you to sign up to The Parish Giving Scheme. On paper – use the form available at the back of church. By phone – call 0333 002 1271 and quote our parish code 230623352. Online – using the following link:
Or scan the QR code on your smartphone or tablet.

Pastoral Care Group. A pastoral care group is being set up. The main purpose of the group, as the name implies, is to try to meet the needs and serve those in our community who would benefit from some additional support. This might mean for example, visiting those at home who are unwell or on their own; visiting the homebound; calling people who would appreciate a friendly chat, or making contact with those requesting special prayers; assistance with minor practical daily living tasks, such as accompanying to hospital; arranging transport; or shopping may be a possibility. ‘Home communion’ already takes place to a few people, but if you, or anybody you know, would like home communion brought to you, please do let us know. Contact: Jackie Anderson or Hilary Meur.
Saturday 15th February – Parish Walk. Do you know where our parish boundaries are? Join our Beat the Bounds Walk led by our Vicar. The boundary walk is a circular walk of approximately 4.8 miles (7.8 km). We start and end our walk at the Mini Garden next to Nandos, across from Southgate tube station, ready to start at 10.15 am. Alternatively, you can meet the Vicar at the Vicarage on the Green at 10 am to walk together to Southgate tube station to join the start. Please contact Ronald or Jackie if you wish to register for the walk and to indicate your choice of whether you wish to join the walk at the Vicarage or the station, or for more information. We look forward to seeing you then!
Tuesday 18th February at 7.30 pm: Said Eucharist with Anointing and Laying on of Hands for Healing – nearest entrance, small north door up the ramp.
Thursday 20th February 12.30 pm Said Eucharist.
Friday 21st February Coffee and chat in church from 10 am to 12 pm.
Friday 21st February 6 pm: The CCA bar Friday Foodie with Chinese snacks to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
further ahead
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd February the Choir the Choir will be singing at Winchester Cathedral. If you fancy a day out, the services are 5.30pm Evensong on Saturday 22nd and 11am Eucharist and 3.30pm Evensong on Sunday 23rd. Winchester Cathedral is a great venue for fine musical worship and we are always pleased to see familiar faces in support.
Tuesday 25th February Bible Study at 7.30 pm This will be the last session of Bible study until after Easter. We will be looking at the last two chapters of Paul’s letter to the Romans Chapters 15 and 16. Bible study sessions are being held at Cathy’s. Sessions will resume after Easter and details will be provided later. Everybody is welcome to join. Please contact Jackie if you are interested in coming along.
Ash Wednesday 5th March: 8 pm Choral Eucharist for the Imposition of Ashes.
Saturday 8th March from 9am The ‘Big Spring Clean’ Please come and help clean the church. Positive action during Lent is always good and this will prepare our beautiful church for Easter. Give what time you can and come and enjoy your church community. This is also a gardening morning. Let’s get busy. Sandra Anderson.
Friends of the Christ Church Garden – Caring for Creation. Gardening dates: Saturday 8th March 9.30 – 12. 30 pm (weather permitting) and 5th April. All welcome. Come and be part of the team. No experience necessary. If you prefer to garden at other times just let me know. Sandra Anderson.
Tuesday 11th March Lent Course 2025: “Climate Justice & Discipleship – a contemplative journey into action” begins. The Zoom course will run for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm in church, with the first session being led by Bishop Sarah on the theme of Humility.
The February/March edition of The Spire has been sent out to subscribers and is also available at the back of church or online by clicking the image in the weekly newsletter. Copy for the April/May edition is required by Wednesday 19th March. Please email Freya or Imogen with your articles or any queries
Saturday 22nd March 2025 – Parish Walk and visit to Richard Brain at Haileybury School. A walk in Hertfordshire incorporating a visit to our former Director of Music, Richard Brain and family is planned. Please save the date in your diary. Details of the walk will be posted nearer the time.
Parish Pilgrimage Walk – May 2025 – expressions of interest. A week-long pilgrimage walk in Essex of roughly 42 miles is being planned for the period around 16th – 24th May. Please contact Jackie or Ronald if you are interested in joining or for further information so we can plan for the options for accommodation and travel. We need to know before the end of March.
Food Bank Collection A reminder that we are always happy to collect non-perishable food and other items for the foodbank in Enfield. The collection point is just inside the door at the back of church to the left.