sunday 1st decemBER
8am Said Eucharist
10 am Sung Eucharist
6.30pm Advent Procession
This Week
The rota request form for January and February has been emailed out to regular volunteers but we are always looking for more to join the rota. Forms are also at the back of Church to complete with your availability and then return to the church office pigeon hole asap but no later than Wednesday 11th December. Please contact any of the Clergy or Caroline in the office if you would just like to learn more about what is involved first, without committing yourself. Many thanks.
Our “Travelling Crib” of Mary, Joseph and donkey will be seeking shelter indoors to visit different people on the way to Bethlehem. They will leave with their first family after the 10am service on Advent Sunday, 1st December, before arriving back at church for the Crib Service on Christmas Eve. Please see Judith to book your place on their trip.
Giving to Christ Church – if you already give to Christ Church – thank you! For more information about giving, read the article on pages 12 and 13 of the December/January edition of The Spire. If you give regularly, or you are planning to start giving regularly, please can we encourage you to sign up to The Parish Giving Scheme. On paper – use the form available at the back of church. By phone – call 0333 002 1271 and quote our parish code 230623352. Online – using the following link:
Or scan the QR code on your smartphone or tablet.
Christmas Stalls and Gift Tree: The stalls in aid of Home Start and the gift tree, to allow you to take a gift tag and buy a gift for a young person being supported by the Ark at St John’s Palmers Green, are now in church. Gifts should be up to a maximum of £20 and unwrapped in gift bags – many thanks.
Lights for Ukraine. Natalka and Chrystyna and Pasicznyk – current and previous members of our choir – have asked us to support the Rotary Club’s “Lights for Ukraine” campaign to supply candles to families in Ukraine from mid-January to provide vital light and heat during the winter power cuts. They are collecting both used and new candles, as partly used ones will be melted down to make new ones, so please could you bring to church any spare candles you have until Christmas. Thank you for your continued prayers and help for Ukraine.
Traditional Annual Christmas Raffle: tickets in aid of Home Start, a local charity providing help to families in need of a little extra support, are on sale at the back of church at £2 per strip from today up until, and including, the service of Nine Lessons and Carols at the end of which service the draw will take place. Thank you in advance for your support.
The December/January edition of The Spire has been sent out and is available at the back of church or online by clicking on the image in the weekly newsletter. Copy for the February/March edition will be required by Weds 22nd January. Please email Freya or Imogen with your articles or any queries.
Sunday 1st December: Breakfast after the 8 am Communion. All welcome.
Sunday 1st December: Southgate Homebound. On Advent Sunday we will wrap 25 Christmas gifts for this group who meet in Walker Hall throughout the year. If you are able to donate a gift; a box of biscuits, chocolates, toiletries; a shawl or throw, or something else suitable for an elderly housebound person we will be very grateful. Many thanks, Hilary Meur – Social Responsibility Committee.
Sunday 1st December 6.30 pm: Advent Procession. Start on the road to Christmas with our traditional candlelit Advent Procession, featuring beautiful music and seasonal readings.
Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30 pm: Said Eucharist with Anointing and Laying on of Hands for Healing – nearest entrance, small north door up the ramp.
Thursday 5th December 12.30 pm: Said Eucharist.
Friday 6th December: Coffee and chat in Church from 10 am to 12 pm.
Friday 6th December: CCA Bar opens at 6 pm with complimentary cheese and snacks throughout the evening.
further ahead
Tuesday 10th November at 7.30 pm: Bible Study This week we will be looking at Romans Chapters 7 and 8. Sessions are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7.30 pm. Everybody is most welcome to attend. Do come along or contact Jackie for more info via the Church office.
Sunday 15th December 4 pm: Christingle Service. Come for an hour of candles and sweets with the traditional decorated orange. Sing some carols while supporting the work of the Children’s Society.
Sunday 22nd December 10 am: Pop-up Nativity. Our Eucharist will include the organised chaos of our Pop-up Nativity – literally anything can happen, and usually does. Just come and be part of it all.
Sunday 22nd December 6pm: Nine Lessons and Carols. Have the full traditional Christmas experience with an evening of the carols and readings you know so well. Enjoy the singing of the choir and joining in!
Food Bank Collection A reminder that we are always happy to collect non-perishable food and other items for the foodbank in Enfield. The collection point is just inside the door at the back of church to the left.