Services are offered at Christ Church Southgate regularly during the week. They are normally held in the Lady Chapel, entry is via the small north door with the ramp towards the front of the church.
7.30 pm Eucharist, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Includes the Ministry of Healing by anointing and laying-on of hands. See below for more information on the Ministry of Healing.
12.30 pm Eucharist
Details of any changes to these services can be found in the weekly notices.
Ministry of Healing
The Eucharist held on the first and third Tuesday of the month includes the Ministry of Healing.
We follow the Common Worship order of service for Wholeness and Healing which opens with prayers that acknowledge our dependence on God for forgiveness, wholeness and renewal. Members of the congregation are then invited to receive the laying-on of hands and anointing should they wish. You are very welcome at the service whether or not you want to receive individual ministry at this point or not. If you come forward, then the celebrant will place their hands on your head and pray for wholeness and healing. They will also anoint your forehead with holy oil.
You can read the text of the service and also the theological introduction- which explains wholeness and healing in more detail here.