Christ Church Southgate offers exceptional resources for educational and general interest visits and study.
The building is a distinguished example of Gilbert Scott architecture and the windows, particularly those by the William Morris Company, give many examples of Pre-Raphaelite art and design, including works by William Morris (a self-portrait), Rossetti, Madox Brown and Burne-Jones. The memorials and other memorabilia on display in the church contain many records of the social history of the area.
We can offer a number of specific options to schools and colleges across all Key Stages. Tours and illustrated talks can be given on all aspects of the Christian faith and the art and history of the church and Southgate, related to the curriculum. We can also host assemblies or come and visit a school to take part in an assembly.

We are also happy to host school services, concerts and other events in our building as it can comfortably seat over 450 people.
We are an accredited RE Hub for schools
If you are interested in an educational visit or service, please contact the Vicar, Fr Chrichton Limbert on