We are very fortunate to have such a beautiful building to worship in, but it needs to be looked after, both for us and for future generations. There a number of ways that you could help us to care for Gods Acre in Southgate.
Keeping the Church clean is a big job and needs many hands! If you are interested in helping by doing a specific task regularly, such as cleaning the brass, or helping at one of the regular ‘Big Cleans’ please contact Sandra Anderson via office@christchurch-southgate.org.
We are always grateful for any help with the garden and churchyard. If you can spare some time (occasional or regular) to do some gentle and relaxing gardening you would be most welcome. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Sandra Anderson either in person, in church, or by email via office@christchurch-southgate.org
Maintaining the Grounds
As well as people to look after the flower beds, we need help maintaining the church grounds. This could be picking up litter, pruning the large shrubs, trimming the hedges etc. If you are interested in helping please contact the Churchwardens on churchwardens@christchurch-southgate.org
Download our Time & Talents leaflet to find out more about the many different ways in which you can support the worship and work of Christ Church.